
Terms of Use

The terms of use (“Terms of Use”) set out below apply to the website at www.wisdom2wealth.co.in (the “Website”). The Website is provided by Wisdom2Wealth Solutions (OPC) Private Limited (“Wisdom2Wealth™”, “the Company”) for educational purposes only. If you access this Website and use the contents provided herein, you are bound by these Terms of Use. If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, you should not access this Website.

  1. All material and contents provided on the Website, including any text, articles, data, information, white papers, concepts, software, tools, applications, videos, photos and images, designs, look and feel, graphics, logos, symbols (collectively referred to as “Contents”) are proprietary information of Wisdom2Wealth™. Wisdom2Wealth™ has a copyright on this Website, including its Contents, which is protected by the applicable laws in India.
  2. You should not copy the Website or the Contents, nor should you re-publish, alter, publicly display, translate, transmit in any way the Contents, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of Wisdom2Wealth™. Even if Wisdom2Wealth™ grants such a consent, you should not remove or alter any copyright or trademark appearing on any of the Contents.
  3. You may use the Website and the Contents for your personal educational purposes only. You should not co-brand the Contents or use the same for commercial purposes, unless you are licensed to do so by Wisdom2Wealth™.
  4. Any articles contained on the Website or opinions expressed in these articles are personal opinions of the authors. Wisdom2Wealth™ does not provide guarantee about the accuracy, reasonableness, validity or appropriateness of such opinions.
  5. The Contents provided on the Website are for educational purpose only. The Contents should not be considered as investment or financial advice. No action should be taken based on the Contents provided on the Website. Your use of this Website and its Content is entirely at your own risk and you assume full responsibility and risk of loss resulting from the use thereof. Wisdom2Wealth™ will not be responsible for any loss incurred by you based on any actions adopted by you. You should apply your personal judgment about the accuracy, reasonableness, validity or appropriateness of the Contents or consult your financial advisor before taking any actions.
  6. The Contents provided on the Website are designed for use in India. They may be invalidated for use in any other jurisdiction.
  7. If there are any disputes regarding the interpretation of these Terms of Use, Wisdom2Wealth™ will be the sole judge for the same.
  8. Wisdom2Wealth™ is a trademark owned by the Company. You should not copy, transfer or transmit, reproduce the same. Similarly, you should not use anything on this Website, including any trademarks, metatags or meta elements or other hidden text or code utilising any such marks.
  9. The Company may update the Website and the Contents at anytime at its own will, without providing any notice to you. All such future updates of the Website and its Contents will continue to be governed by the Terms of Use. The Company may also discontinue this website or impose any restrictions on its access without providing any notice to you.